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Presenting applications for L2 product categories

The Application Level 2 page is your starting point for exploring various applications within a specific sub-category. It's designed to simplify product discovery, offering in-depth insights into different product applications within that sub-category. Information-rich and geared towards exploration, it's a valuable resource for understanding the range of applications available.

Hero + Anchor

When creating a level 2 application page, use the Hero variant 2 module. The module should be used as the introduction to the application page. 

We recommend that it should:

  • Be eye catching and to the point
  • Give an introduction to the page topic (eg. threadlockers) and the general attributes and applications of the products within this category.
  • Clearly state the problem that eg. threadlockers can solve for the customer

A. Optional pre-headline

The pre-headline is a descriptive keyword or phrase placed above the main headline - to provide additional context to the headline. Do not use the same text in the pre-headline as in the headline (B). 

B. Headline

Presenting the application to the customer.

C. Short description

A slightly more in-depth description (around two sentences or approximately 100 characters).

D. CTA’s

CTAs to highest priority action

E. Hero image

Eye catching imagery

F. Anchor menu

The anchor menu should be used on longer pages, to help customers easily navigate the content.


Use the Two column text + image to provide the customer with an option to navigate directly to the product listing page (filtered for the product category - eg. Threadlockers).

Highlighted application

Use the 50:50 module to present an eye catching problem description as well as one or two CTA's.

General description and SEO text

In the example, the Two column text + image modules allow for general descriptions of the product category (what the products are and how to apply them) as well as SEO text. You can stack as many Content modules as you need. The modules can be placed after each other or moved down the page hierarchy.


The comparison is used to compare Henkel products to solutions conventionally used for the same application. One example of this is comparing threadlockers to mechanical locking devices. 
Use the USP band module with icons and multiple rows.

Selecting products

Using a Two column text + image to explain how to choose a product from within the product category to solve a need (or for a specific application).

Application description

Using the Tabbed content and text module the applications are being described within different tabs - underneath a carousel presents related content (case studies, white papers, webinars or events).

The featured products carousel is presented with the product ribbon module.

Contact us

Get in touch module.

Customer support can include the following:

  • Link to Henkel support center
  • Request a Consultation link
  • Request a sample link
  • Order request link