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Validate and build trust by indicating that Articles, Case Studies and White Papers are produced by trusted experts

The module should be used on content pages such as Article, Case study and White paper pages 



Design specs

The author component consists of:

  1. An Image or avatar*
  2. The authors name*
  3. A title (optional)
  4. A link to their LinkedIn account (optional)
  5. A short bio describing the author (optional)

* required element

When there is no image of an author, use the initial of their first name as the avatar (see below).

Multiple authors

One author with bio


Image area size: 64x64 px

While choosing the image, be mindful of the image ratio and how the image will be cropped to the designated area. The face of an author should be visible in the circle, and their portrait should look trustworthy and professional.

Name and title

Ideally the authors name and title should fit onto two lines on a 360px screen.

Copy (Author with bio)

Character limit: 310

Do not exceed eight lines of text on 360px screens


When to use

Generally the module should be used on content pages such as Article, Case study and White paper pages - but only if the article in question has multiple authors (see rules below).

Multiple authors: The multiple author module should be used when an article has two or more authors, in which case the module should be displayed below the article.

When the Author module is used there should an anchor link, “See authors”, in the hero module that links down to the author module.

1 author, with bio: The single author module with bio should be used when an article has a single author and there is a need for a short bio to describe the author and their qualifications, in which case the module should be displayed below the article.

When the Author module is used there should an anchor link, “See author”, in the hero module that links down to the author module.

1 author, no text: In the cases where an article has only one author and no additional description of the author is needed, the Author module should not be used - instead the author info should be displayed in the Hero module. Read more about displaying ‘1 author info’ in Hero - Written resources.

Examples of use

Do's and Don'ts

DO: Use Author module to display multiple authors.

DO: Use Hero – article and publication to display one author.

DON’T: Use Author module without bio to display one author.