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Highlight of the unique selling proposition 

The USP band module is used to present three or more Unique Selling Points, however it can also be used to highlight important numbers or values for gaining trust from users. This module can be used on e.g. the home, brand, industry or sustainability pages.

1. Icons



2. Numbers expressive



3. Numbers reducted



4. Big headlines



Design specs

Layout options

When using the USP band module, you have the option to insert the following elements:

  • Headline, module headline (optional)
  • USP headline*: Icon/number(large/small)/big headline
  • USP sub-headline* (required except if using Big headlines)
  • Paragraph*
  • Button, secondary (optional)

* required element

Iconography should be consistent. Please use icons of the same size and do not mix icons and numbers within the same module.

A. Module header

Character limit: 42
Do not exceed two lines of text on 360px screens

B. USP headline layout (Icons, Numbers or headlines)

There are 4 possible variants of the USP module ‘headlines’ (as illustrated at the top of this page): 

  1. Icons

    Icons are used to provide a visual reference for the USP content. In combination with text it will enhance usability and legibility, e.g. if the USP is about temperature, the icon can show a thermometer. 

  2. Numbers Expressive

    The numbers function to grab attention, and to place the most important metrics of the USP front and centre.

  3. Numbers Reduced

    Serves the same function as the expressive numbers but with a little less emphasis, allowing for a USP module that is less ‘attention grabbing’. This version can be used when the USP band module isn’t meant to be the centre of attention but rather to support other elements on the page.

  4. Big headlines

    Use big headlines to create understanding of the 3 or more USPs. Copy examples being used: Cost savings, Sustainability, Productivity, Health and safety, etc.

    If using Big headlines you can not use a USP sub-headline.


Note: Use either icons or numbers, do not use both in the same module.

C. USP sub-headline

When using a layout that has Icons or Numbers the module should always include have a USP sub-headline. The sub-headline is designed to provide context to the icon or number. The USP sub-headline is used together with the paragraph to explain the unique selling point. The sub-headline should always use a non-expressive font.

Character limit: 37
Do not exceed two lines of text on 360px screens

D. Paragraph

The paragraph is used together with the USP headline to provide the user with the information they need to understand the unique selling point. 

Character limit: 120

For general copywriting guidelines, please refer to the Writing rules.




When to use

The USP band module is used to present three or more unique value propositions, it can also be used to highlight important numbers or values for gaining trust from our users. This module can be used on content pages and is especially suited for ‘exploration pages’ such as the home, brand, industry or sustainability pages.

Examples of use

Use this module for higher priority content or content that complement or expand on the customer's current area of interest.

This module should not be used for content that requires long-form, paragraphic text. Instead, consider using the Tabbed content + text or Full width image + text modules.

Do's and Don'ts

DON’T: The step number section is reserved for numbers. Don’t use it as an header.

DON’T: Don’t use longer text than the recomendations as this will compromise the users ability to quickly scan the text.