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A comprehensive overview for informed purchasing decisions

A product detail page serves as the central hub for all essential information about a particular product, including detailed specifications, technical documentation, application information, and how-to steps. It streamlines the buying process by providing features like one-click purchase options, links to request a sample or quote, and related product recommendations. By consolidating key information and purchase options in one place, it enables customers to make informed and confident buying decisions.

Note: Content on this page is delivered via PIM, and is therefore not directly editable.

When creating PDP content, please check the product content guidelines where you will find how to create PDP assets and copywriting.

Product overview

The product overview section presents the most basic information about the product, displays packshots and other related media, and shows variations that are offered for the product.

A. Media gallery

The media gallery provides visual references of the product for the customer. These can include: 

  • Images
    Static images of the product, product family, and/or product application illustrations (product in use). Please refer to the Packshot guidelines for detailed information on creating these assets.
  • Video
    Videos are represented in the carousel with an image thumbnail and play button. Upon selecting, the video plays within the media gallery. Please refer to the Application Video guidelines for detailed information on creating these assets.


A. Basic information

The basic information area is made up of various elements, listed below, which provide a degree of context to the product. All content in this section is retrieved from PIM.

  • Product category (lowest level)

    Displays the category in which the product is placed.
  • Product name

    The base product name (without variation specified).
  • Product tagline

    Communicates what makes the product unique within its product category (one sentence max).
  • Short description

    Concisely describes how the product is specific to the product category and how it provides value in application (two sentences max).
  • IDH name (user-friendly)

    Displays the base product name (IB product) and SAP packaging size, SAP packaging type and (PIM) manually maintained IDH differentiators if required such as color, component part
  • Variations (IDH differences)

    Displays user-friendly packaging type and size sourcing from SAP and other differentiators such as color or component part


C. Sidebar

The sidebar (shown under basic information on mobile) displays the highest priority action(s) for the customer to take on the page. This includes adding the product to the cart, order requests, finding a distributor, and more. The actions shown depend on the individual product.

  • Add to cart

    Includes price, stock status, quantity selector, and an “add to cart” CTA.
  • Order request

    Displays a link to the order request form.
  • Find a distributor

    Displays a link which opens a distributor finder in a popup (powered by PriceSpider) for the specific product.

Details and resources

The details and resources section includes further information about the product and serves to educate customers about product usage and present downloadable technical documentation.


Makes public documentation related to the product available for immediate download. This includes TDSs, SDSs, RoHS, and Regulatory documents. The visibility of these documents is managed in others systems (e.g. SDS access in SAP P03 and TDS flagging in TDX system).

Long description and USPs

In a paragraph, describes in greater detail all important technical characteristics and up to five USPs (unique selling points) that are relevant to the product.

Technical specifications

Needs to be maintained in PIM

How to use

Presents step-by-step instructions for how to use the product. It contains text as a minimum, with an optional image or video shown with each step. Please refer to the How-To guidelines for detailed information on creating this content.


Describes, in greater detail, all important technical characteristics of the product in a question-and-answer structure. The answers are comprehensive and written in a paragraph format.

Related content

Paths to related content are featured on the page depending on the product. These include equipment rental services and requesting a consultation. Relations between products need to be maintained in PIM on an IDH level.

Related products - equipment

Related products are shown in a product ribbon, and are specific to each individual product.

  • Required accessories
    When a specific equipment is required to apply a product;​​
    • Use MUST: product cannot be used without this accessory​
    • Use REQUIRED_OPTIONS when there are multiple IDHs tobe selected from; e.g. a cable is required to use a product, but the cable is available in various lengths so all available lengths are tagged as REQUIRED_OPTIONS​
    • Use CONSISTS_OF: several IDH make a system​


  • Optional accessories
    When a specific equipment is recommended to use when applying a product, e.g. hand dispensers for certain bottles/cartridges​


  • Spare parts
    When a part of an equipment product is not working any longer/has been lost, but the lost part is available to buy separately.​


Related products - chemical (non-equipment)

Related products are shown in a product ribbon, and is determined for each individual product.

  • Required components
    • Use MUST: When another product is required to apply a product; ie. Certain activators or primers​
    • Use KIT: If product is part A but requires part B or vice versa​
    • Use CONSISTS_OF: for application processes where multiple products are required ​


  • You might also need
    When another product is recommended to use when applying a product (e.g. Primer, Surface Cleaner)​​
    • Use COMPLIMENTARY: to suggest additional products ie. Degreaser or dispense valve for a certain kind of adhesive
    • Use CROSSELLING: To push NPIs​
    • Use UPSELLING: for pushing successor products (NOT implemented on RAQN side)​


  • Similar products
    When various products are similar to each other​


  • Replaces/replaced by (naming TBD)
    Use when there is 1:1 replacement, ie. Old IDH is inactive but replaced by new. Maintain in SAP